Invitation to conference

We kindly invite you to participate in the conference „Study quality in terms of multiculturalism in the Baltic countries (Study quality in multicultural school/ university/ other educational institution) will be held on 26th October 2018 from 10.00 – 15.00 in Tallinn, Estonia.

Aim of the conference is to share information and the best practices on study quality in multicultural class, school/ university/education institution. We want to welcome all contributions about internationalization, study quality, multicultural education in all possible contexts. We aim to provide participants with a broad range of research topics.

The conference organising committee warmly invites you to participate in the conference either as one among audince or we encourage you to present papers, posters, write articles.

-          All abstracts must be written in English and contain original work that has not previously been reported.
-          3-5 keywords must be included in the abstract.
-          The presenting author and co-authors must be identified in the abstract.
-          Proposals should consist of an abstract (300 words at maximum) and an
extended summary (1000 words at maximum, including references).

Paper presentation:
-          A paper session consists of 2 or 3 conceptually linked papers.
-          Each individually submitted presentation lasts 15 minutes and is followed by 10 minutes for questions and discussion.

Poster presentation:
-          Posters are grouped conceptually.
-          Each poster is introduced with an oral presentation (max 3 min.) and allows the
participants enough time to freely walk from poster to poster.


- Abstracts: 01.06.2018
- Registration: 30.09.2018
- Posters: 31.08.2018
- Paper presentations: 31.08.2018

Programme of the conference:

10.00 – 10.30 – Registration and coffee
10.30 – 12.00 I session
- Presentation of the model of study quality
- Presentation of different cases
- Multicultural classroom
12.00 – 13.00 LUNCH
13.00 – 15.00 II session
-Panel discussion- headmasters of different educational institutions share their experiences

Fee: free of charge

Conference webpage and registration:

Venue: Tallinn Health Care College (Kännu 67, Tallinn, Estonia)

More information:
Piret Tamme
Tallinn Health Care College