WElfare technology (wel-tech)

Period: 01.09.2017 - 31.08.2019

Working life in general, in social and health care and in home care is changing and developing rapidly due to digitalization and increased utilization of technology in care and welfare of people. All this does affect and has affected working life and the skills needed from today's care workers.

The aim of the Wel-Tech project is to map and describe good practices of teaching welfare technology in each partner country/ VET organization and then combine, create and test/pilot new learning units. Along the project a material bank will be collected to be used and further developed by any other education provider European-wide. The focus of the project is home care of elderly people.

Tartu Health Care College is participating as a partner. Tampere Vocational College Tredu (Finland) is the leader of the project. Other partners are: Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Deltion College (Netherlands) and Summa College (Netherlands).

Project number: 2017-1-FI01-KA202-034740

Project homepage.

For more information please contact with our development specialist:

Kersti Sõgel
tel: +372 737 0210
e-mail: kerstisogel@nooruse.ee