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The development of occupational well-being – resources to teaching by the international project
The aim of this project titled Developing Occupational Well-being of Health Care Teachers in Estonia – participatory action research, 2021–2023 is to describe and evaluate health care teachers’ occupational well-being, develop the occupational well-being by community based developmental intervention and assess the impact of developmental intervention on health care teachers’ occupational well-being in health care colleges. This action research project develops the occupational well-being of health care teachers in international co-operation.
Partners: University of Eastern Finland, Department of Nursing Science (leading) and University of Tartu, Department of Nursing Science in collaboration with Tartu Health Care College and Tallinn Health Care
College.Link to the project website in University of Eastern Finland
Link to the project website in University of Tartu
Posting 2.11.2021 Developmental occupational well-being intervention has begun
Health care teachers actively participated in the project-related occupational well-being survey. A warm thank you to everyone involved! Moodle course in Digicampus ”Koolitus tööheaolust haridustöötajatele“ has started in Digicampus Moodle environment. All health care teachers have received an invitation to the course in their email addresses. The course contains short videos, written material and optional reflective thinking assignments. The course for all teachers is open until the end of November and teachers can proceed with the course at their own pace.