European Later Life Active Network (ELLAN)

Duration: 1.10.2013-30.9.2016

The ELLAN is coordinated by Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Unit of Health Care from Finland. The project has 26 partners in 25 countries: Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov", Universidad de Granada, University College Cork, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Pučko otvoreno učilište Zagreb, RĪGA Stradinz University, University of Maribor, Groningen Hanze , University of Applied Sciences, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences, University of Mikolaja Kopernika, Eylul University, University Stefan Mare of Suceava, Tartu Health Care College, Setubal University, Svizzera Italiana University , University of Applied Sciences Hamburg, University College of Northern Denmark , Sapienza University of Rome, University of Malta, Cyprus University of Technology, Semmelweis University Faculty of Health Sciences, Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.

Europe faces severe population ageing in the near future ant that is why a new vision of ageing and promotion of positive possibilities in older age is important.

The ELLAN is a Lifelong Learning Programme higher education institutions collaborative and networking project funded by the European Commission.

This project promotes European cooperation and exchange of innovation and good practice related to the ageing population and to the educational preparation of those that work with older people. In addition, the project aims to positively influence health and social care professionals' interest in working with the elderly.

For more information, please contact with the project manager:
Irma Mikkonen
PhD, Principal Lecturer, Project Manager User-oriented services in health and well-being
Phone: +358 44 785 6469
E-mail: irma.mikkonen(@)

Contact person in Tartu Health Care College is Ms Reet Urban

E-mail: reeturban(at)


Project number: 539547-LLP-1-FI-ERASMUS-ENW
