The emergency situation in THCC

No. 1.1-1/23-2020, 27 March

Health Care College: Supplementation to the Guidance on Preventing the Spread of COVID-19

Taking into account the spread of coronavirus disease COVID-19 in the world and in Estonia, the activity of Tartu Health Care College will be based on the following instructions:

According to the emergency situation declared by the government decision and due to the spread of COVID-19 disease, the study building of Tartu Health Care College is closed for studies from 16.03.2020, and studies will be conducted in the form of distance learning until 30.04.2020. After that the situation will be assessed and a decision will be taken on the need to extend the distance learning period.

1. Members of the college have an obligation to follow the instructions provided by the Health Board in relation to the spread of coronavirus disease COVID-19, as well as the legal acts regarding the emergency situation that are issued by the Government of the Republic, including the ministers.
2. All staff members and students who have arrived in Estonia from any foreign country (due to business trips, holiday trips etc.) after 12 March 2020 must stay home for self-isolation during two weeks. Employees who arrive from abroad must contact their immediate supervisors at the earliest possibility and agree about further actions. Employees who arrive from abroad have an obligation to inform immediately by email the Personnel and Quality Manager (liisahummal(at) about their arrival and the beginning of self-isolation.
Students who arrive from abroad have an obligation to inform immediately the Head of Academic Affairs Department (evemuur(at) about their arrival and the beginning of self-isolation, and agree about further actions.
3. The college cancels all employees’ business trips abroad until 28 August 2020. The representative of the employer will not approve new orders for business trips abroad until a further decision.
4. College employees’ business trips within Estonia will take place only on the basis of an inevitable need. Gatherings and meetings should be conducted with the help of electronic communication means.
5. Students will not be sent to practical training abroad until 28 August 2020, and further decisions will be made continuously.
6. The organisation of students’ practical training will be based on the instructions provided by the practice institutions. If required, the practical training will be postponed and it will be arranged on the basis of individual study programmes.
7. The college cancels or postpones until a further decision the events, studies and other activities related to foreign visitors, except the cases that can be organised with the help of electronic communication means. 
8. The college cancels or postpones all public events related to large gatherings (fairs, workshops, training courses of open college etc.) until a further decision.
9. The Personnel and Quality Manager will immediately inform about this guidance the employees who are currently on a business trip abroad.
10. The Department of Academic Affairs informs the students about these instructions using the Study Information System. In case further information is needed, students are asked to contact the Head of Academic Affairs Department    (evemuur(at); 7370219).
11. The college will not reimburse staff members and students for any costs incurred as a result of non-compliance with the instructions provided in this guidance.
12. All members of the college carry responsibility for the fulfilment of these instructions.


Communications Manager Jaanika Niinepuu (jaanikaniinepuu(at), +372 737 0260)
Personnel and Quality Manager Liisa Hummal (liisahummal(at), +372 737 0206)
Head of Academic Affairs Department Eve Müür (evemuur(at), +372 737 0219)
Administrative and Finance Director Ermo Kruuse (ermokruuse(at), +372 737 0205)
