VET Mobility

Project period 01.09.2017 – 31.08.2019.

Vocational Education and Training Student and Staff Mobility project aims to create opportunities for vocational learners and tutors from the development of the college's development goals. The project involves in total of 29 people. In Finland participates in the mobility in total of 12 students and 3 teachers. In Germany participates in the mobility in total 8 students and 6 teachers. Students will be divided into groups and their practice in Finland or Germany is planned for four periods. Impact for students particularly expressed in the participants' personal and professional development.

Tartu Health Care College project team consists of: Airin Treiman-Kiviste, Tiina Uusma, Liana Kurg, Maire Aruots, Taimi Taimalu, Tiiu Lepp and Marit Salus.

Project is leaded by Tartu Health Care College and partners are: SBBS fuer Gesundheit und Soziales Jena and Tampere Vocational College Tredu

For further information please contact our development specialist:

Kersti Sõgel
tel: +372 737 0210

Project number: 2017-1-EE01-KA102-034707.